Concrete Recycling
Recyclable Concrete Materials
Road Base

Crushed concrete road base meets the FDOT sieve but is not a certified product for B-12. This material is a true recycled construction concrete material and may contain brick, granite and asphalt in addition to the main component of concrete.
Specification – LBR over 150 and graded 2” minus.
Common uses:
- Driveways
- Substrates
- Parking Lots
- Walking Path
- Roads
DOT Road Base

FDOT Road Base is certified to meet the 911-2.7 spec for Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) composition. The material has an extremely high LBR and is fantastic for base and sub-base.
Specification – FDOT – LBR normally over 200 and graded 1 1⁄2 ” minus. Deleterious material minimal.
Common uses:
- FDOT Projects
- Driveways
- Parking Areas
- Deceleration Lanes
- Roads
- Paving Substrates
57 Concrete

Concrete # 57 and bedding stone is a great alternative for small jobs that need draining or material specified for the job.
Specifications – Graded at 1.5” to 3⁄8”
Common uses:
- Pipe Bedding
- Drainage
- Septic Systems
- Landscaping
- Parking Lots
Concrete Fine

Concrete Fine compact well and a great base in many applications. Fines can be mixed with low LBR dirt to increase its integrity.
Specification – Graded 3⁄8” minus to a fine
Common uses:
- Pavers Base
- Driveways
- Parking Areas
- Walkways
- Laydown Yard
Concrete RipRap

Concrete RipRap is sized to order. We take great pride in our feed used to create a product that represents a natural material.
Specification – Material is as small as 8” and as large as 48”. Hand Selected mix and sized to clients order.
Common uses:
- Ditch Liner
- Shoreliner
- Erosion Control
- Landscaping
- Enhance Seawall
- Scour Concentrated Water Flow
- Barrier or Blockade For Entrance

Concrete Ballast is an oversized material from a few different operational processes and can vary in actual size. Best application is entrance rock and for truck tire soil removal.
Specification – Material varies but morally ranges 6” to 3⁄8”
Common uses:
- Construction Entrance
- Landscaping
- Heavy Machinery Roadway